
JetBrains WebStorm #

Prevent/Suppress “Try the new cross-platform PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6" message for showing in terminal (Windows) #

  • Go to File menu -> Settings -> Tools -> Terminal.
  • Change Shell Path: powershell.exe -NoLogo

Load .env files on run/debug/test configurations #

  • Edit the configuration
  • In the Node options field enter: -r dotenv/config
  • In the Environment field enter: DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=.env

Useful keyboard shortcuts #

  • Maximize current editor: Ctrl-Shift-F12 or double-click the editor tab.
  • Select multiple occurrences of a word or a text range:
    • Alt-J select next occurrence
    • Ctrl-Alt-Shift-J select all occurrences in the document.

Debug frontend web apps #

In the Run tool window, hold Ctrl+Shift/⌘⇧ and click the URL address where the application is running. WebStorm will launch the auto generated Debug Application run/debug configuration and open the browser.

Launch a debugging session

Debugging React Apps Created With Create React App in WebStorm