Cannot restore snapshot from console #
If restoring a snapshot from console is not working, do it from the cli . for example:
aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot ⮠
--db-instance-identifier <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> ⮠
--db-snapshot-identifier "<SRC_SNAPSHOT_ARN>" ⮠
--region eu-west-1 ⮠
--db-subnet-group-name <DB_SUBNET_GROUP_ID>
Update instance security group from CLI #
aws rds modify-db-instance ⮠
--db-instance-identifier <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> ⮠
--region eu-west-1 ⮠
--vpc-security-group-ids <VPC_SEC_GROUP_ID>
RDS instance storage type compatibility matrix #
To upgrade mssql instances to major versions #
- Update to latest version that supports the current instance type
aws rds modify-db-instance ⮠ --db-instance-identifier <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> ⮠ --region eu-west-1 ⮠ --engine-version 14.00.3421.10.v1 ⮠ --allow-major-version-upgrade ⮠ --apply-immediately
- Upgrade the instance type to the one that is supported by the desired version
aws rds modify-db-instance ⮠ --db-instance-identifier <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> ⮠ --region eu-west-1 ⮠ --db-instance-class db.t3.small ⮠ --apply-immediately
- upgrade to the latest version of mssql
aws rds modify-db-instance ⮠ --db-instance-identifier <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> ⮠ --region eu-west-1 ⮠ --engine-version 15.00.4198.2.v1 ⮠ --allow-major-version-upgrade ⮠ --apply-immediately
Use performance insights to find slow queries #
Troubleshoot Slow RDS SQL Servers with Performance Insights
MySql 8 - The table ‘/rdsdbdata/tmp/#sql…’ is full #
Use the TempTable storage engine on Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL