AWS QuickSight

AWS QuickSight #

How do I filter visuals from multiple datasets in an Analysis ? #

  • Columns should have the exact same name and type (use calculated fields at the analysis level)
  • Existing filters should be updated to show the visuals of datasets that their calculated fields just added. Try updating some other attributes of the filter

Improve performance Tips and tricks #

Tips and tricks for high-performant dashboards in Amazon QuickSight

Period over period functions/calculations #

Add comparative and cumulative date/time calculations in Amazon QuickSight

Get last part of a string #

Example: Get the filename from uri. Split the string using ‘/’ and get the last item

split(  trim(uri),
        ifelse(  right(trim(uri)  , 1) = '/', 0, 1) +
        ( strlen(  trim(uri)  ) -
          strlen(  replace(trim(uri), '/', '')  )

Incremental refresh a QuickSight datasource from AWS CLI #

aws quicksight create-ingestion --data-set-id <DATASET_ID> --ingestion-type INCREMENTAL_REFRESH ⮠
  --region <REGION> --aws-account-id <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID> --ingestion-id <RANDOMID>

To calculate aggregate values of grouped and not individual rows use the RANK function #

For example to get the average of invoice amounts from a ‘invoice-line’ dataset use the following

  • Create a calculated function to rank the lines, name it invoice_line_row_no

    rank([{invoice_line_id} ASC], [{invoice_id}], PRE_AGG)

  • Create a function that returns the invoice amount only for the first row

    ifelse(invoice_line_row_no = 1, {invoice_amount}, NULL)

  • Use the above column in the visual as an aggregated average

AWS Quicksight demo central #